Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nationalized Healthcare-For or Against

I want to talk on this subject because I feel my opinion might open some eyes and maybe you'll agree. I feel that giving the United States government control of health care would be crazy, they can't even take good care of the veterans. If you want me to support government run healthcare then I must insist that they prove themselves worthy by making sure the men and women who serve our nation get the best healthcare in the world. They deserve healthcare that makes sure that they get all the medicine and treatment they need at a level of excellence that will be a shining example to get me to vote for it. If our gov can do that, then I'll support giving them control of healthcare for everyone. Hey Obama, if you think you can make vets pay for their healthcare then I'm personally gonna fight for their right to top notch healthcare, fully paid for by the nation they risked all for. I'm taking a stand on this issue because its the right thing to do, because I want to do my part for those who gave so much. AFT

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